Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Crafting Day

I've been bustin' my butt lately getting ready for a craft fair on February 6th.  I've made bow boards, bows, firecracker bows, gold fish bows and bow holders...that's the first 2 days.  I'm pooped!! We have ribbon everywhere and I just got a call on the house!  Oh how I wish my craft room was completed.  I think it's time to take the sign down and stay put.  It's taken me a long time to feel at peace about that decision but I think I'm ready to make it now. (Jay and the kids will be THRILLED)  (sorry mom)

I know we're way down here away from everyone but please please please know that you are all welcome when ever! there are two airports nearby for you to fly into (one flies Southwest).  We have room for a few if a lot are coming we have quite a few great hotels nearby....don't be shy!!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Disney's Rockin' Road Show!

We had an amazing time at the Disney's Rockin' Road show here at the Dodge arena in Hidalgo.  Jillian just LOVES these kinds of show.  LIke really gets off on when I saw they were coming to town I knew it had to be part of her Christmas present. :)

Me, my mom and Jillian went for a full girls day out.  We started out at Olive Garden and then headed to the show, where she was spoiled with treats and toys!!


for ALL the pictures you're heart desires :)

The one's of the penny and paper are for Bailey's Science Fair Project...we're seeing what 4 different liquids do to a penny. :) (so far vinegar is winning)

the one of's my "before" picture...I'm slimming down again...Christmas was really brutal on me.  So far (since Monday the 4th) I've lost 4 pounds....I just have keep focused.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Holiday Review

Christmas 2009 has passed and we've welcomed in 2010...and I've been too busy to get on here and as we say Good-bye to 2009 and say hello to a fresh start in 2010 I've decided to do our holiday review with pictures!!  Sit back with some spiked Hot Chocolate (can I suggest Peppermint schnapps and a boat load of whipped cream?!) and enjoy :D

Here's one of my little cutie pie looking so cute!!! to see ALL our family photos from Christmas please check out the link by clicking here

We enjoyed the company of my mother and father and even got to go see DISNEY'S ROCKIN' ROAD SHOW with Jillian (part of her Christmas gift)