Monday, August 27, 2007

1st Day of Kindergarten, 3rd grade and Jr. High!!!


Well today I sent my 3 sons off to the title says Kindergarten, 3rd grade and 7th....about 20 seconds after we got home from walking the boys over to school it began down-pouring...let's hope the lightening and thunder decide to come around another day---I don't want anyone scared at school.
Ok so I'll keep it short and let you enjoy the photos of this morning. But I do have to say for as excited as I was to see them go to school when Aiden got dropped off I had to try as hard as I could not to break down and cry. It seems like not very long ago I was teaching the 1's while he laid down at the adjoining door in the 2's and hollered "MOMMA" under the door baby boy is in Kindergarten!! Such a bittersweet moment. And of course I was worried about him going in and falling apart like he's been known to do in the past (at just never know) but he marched in and found his cubby, hung up his bag, stuck his lunch inside his cubby, found his chair and began coloring (with a pencil--LOL) it was so long woman who raised me from my first breath. Woman who nursed me back to health when i was sick and kissed my boo-boo's when I fell...I'm in Kindergarten now--I'm practically on my own!!! oh yeah but I want spaghetti for dinner. (ok so it wasn't that bad...but it was hard) he seemed so grown up!!! here's his first day photos. I need to go cry now. :*)
I'm sorry for those that really don't care about this stuff but it's my blog so I'm gonna share everything...cuz, well I can! nah-nah. hahaha.
Ok we have breakfast, pictures of mom and aiden (and Jillian just jumped in and wouldn't leave! hahahaha...whoops guess that's my doing.

The Go gurt Monster!!

My big school boy!!

Aiden and Bailey go to the same school which makes it alot nicer for me :o) One trip up, two trips back (Kinder gets out before the rest of the school) Not to worry it wasn't all jitters and nerves this morning, they did manage to be their old selves!!

School was packed (of course) with all the kids, parents, teachers---and we all know the organizational skills here from past posts aren't the greatest---but we managed to find Aiden's room and teacher again--Bailey wasn't interested in getting a photo with his teacher--oh well I guess 3rd grade is too old for that huh?

Bailey--the 3rd grader--doesn't he look so handsome!

For some reason, unknown to me these two can never take a decent picture together--this morning proved no different!!!

The walk to school...

Don't worry we didn't have the boys carry their backpacks filled with their school supplies--but Aiden insisted on hanging his up--but in the end I had to--it was just too heavy. Also, below is Aiden with Ma. (anyone know what that means?? anyone?? anyone..Buller? Buller?) LOL...anyway Ma. Perez....his teacher.

"Hey bud, gimme five, you'll do great!"

(really it's give me your stuffed animal--you're not taking it with you) LOL

"mom, cool it with the pictures, someone might see!"

"I got it mom, it's cool, you can leave now. Thanks for the great times, I'll be in touch."

"Uhhh, Backpack is soooooo heavy!!!"

Aiden and Ma. Perez

Third grade hall--I think it's one of the last years for getting pictures of this kid going to school...

Bailey's Class room... you'll notice he's missing his button down shirt...yeah that was ditched at home...

Bailey's Desk

Dad and Christian...who had to be up at 6 am to get ready for school.

Jr. High all ready!! How can that be?!

Still dark out when he leaves for the bus--He was very nervous about starting Jr. High and finding his classes and stuff...but I know he'll do great!! He's a great kid!!

(Oh and Jay drives him to the bus stop since it's kind of far away)


Anonymous said...

I love all the information and pictures. Bailey is very handsome, especiallly with his other shirt on. All the boys look very handsome and Christian does in NO WAY look heavy! I think he will shoot up and be as tall as Jay soon. Great posting...I loved it! ANonyMOM

Stacey Kannenberg said...

Happy First Day of School! I write a Kindergarten and First Grade book, email me at if you would like to review it!
Smiles -

carleigh said...

hey the pictures look so cute! our boys are very handsome. and you looked great too. you are a busy woman- what are you going to do with just jillian around all day?!!! and i think that aidan's teacher looks like the supernanny!

Anonymous said...

Well said.