Wednesday, September 23, 2009

All in a days "work"

Ok so it's not really "work" for me to sew...I enjoy it when things go my way---I wanna cry when things go badly.

I love fabrics, patterns, embroidery designs, pretty colored threads...oh the hours I could spend shopping for these items if I only had the money!

I usually get my fabric home and look at it blankly wondering what to make with it, on a side note, at the store I always have visual ideas, grand ideas (that are so out of my sewing reach it's flat out pathetic) but grand ideas they are!! I think..."oh I've seen something made that would be so cute with this fabric" or "Ohh I remember seeing something on that I could remake with this fabric or that design" then I rush home to make it, only to realize it's 15 minutes before the kids get home and hauling out my sewing machine, serger and supplies just wouldn't be worth it in the I place it in my "stash" and think...TOMORROW!!! ***fast forward 3 months*** new pattern in hand...and rummaging through my fabrics...this one? that one? oh this is would be cute...what did I buy to coordinate with it?? no, not that...this, eh, it would work but not exactly what I'm looking for....maybe a run to the store---and so the cycle begins again.

However when I ran across this blog and found this amazing pattern, I figured...may as well try it...looks easy enough and I knew exactly what fabric I wanted to use!!! I started at around 10 and finished at 12:20...factor in a phone call, starting a movie, folding the dreaded laundry (twice) I think I did pretty darn good!! and it's super cute!! Just look at my little muffin ball!!

Last night I whipped this little gem out too---it took all of 10 minutes (from finding a tee shirt to completing the stitch at the bottom) Jillian's quite impressed! (hard for me to impress that little stinker) I really am not that eco-friendly--I'll never remember to bring this to the grocery store but I know that Jillian will use it for play and Aiden can take it to sleep overs...I'll make some for the other boys for sleepovers too when I find a "manly" tee shirt :)


Ashley said...

I love it! Thanks so much for sharing the link! I'm loving that pink and black plaid too!

Beth said...

Love the black and white dress! That material is so cute! So is the plaid skirt....I have always liked that look.