Sunday, December 13, 2009

Cookie Craze!

(and yeah these are so NOT my cookies!)

T'was 2 weeks before Christmas when the hubby declared
Christmas cookies would do very well here!
So I rose out of bed, with a yawn and a stretch
Off to the store quickly ingredients to fetch.

I blended and stirred, whipped and I mixed
I had dozens and dozens of cookies to fix!
Pinch of salt here, cup of sugar there
Soon we had flour EVERYWHERE!!

Exhausted I fell into the chair with a sigh
Wait mom, I don't see the Apple pie!!
What!? I shouted looking about
I have 10 dozen cookies, don't they count?!

The kids slunk from the room
And I grabbed up the broom
Grumbling under my breath I cleaned up the mess
Next year Betty can do my cooking
...While I buy a new DRESS!

Today we made peanut butter kiss cookies (4 dozen), Cashew Toffee and roll out sugar cookies (and frosted/decorated them) 6 dozen

1 comment:

Dana said...

WOW! Thats amazing! You're very energetic. Mind sharing some of that energy?