Friday, February 3, 2012

quick update

I have exactly 3 minutes before my workshop on real estate contracts begin.  What do I decided to do with my time?? Write a post...well, why not!

I can say alot in 3 minutes, but I'm not sure I have anything to say that interesting so I'll just tell you what's been going on around my house the past few days.

Jay and I (which means the rest of the family as well) are on a no-eating-out challenge for the month of February.  We get one break...Valentine's day (or a day near there in "honor" of Valentine's day.

We're busy with cheer leading and basketball.   And I'm hitting the gym with my mom 3 times a week...not to shabby, if I do say so myself!

I ordered a photoshop elements 10 workbook off ebay...I can't wait to dive into it and become a master of the software...wonder if I can by extra time in a day off ebay too?

Rumor has it my brother Mike and his family will be coming to visit my parents in March...YEAH!! it's been way to long since I've seen them.  I miss them all alot and have been a really bad sister by not keeping in touch as I should. *Shame on me*  So I hope it all works out and we're able to get together and see them!

Prayers for my brother Joe and their family...his wife is pregnant and may be having some complications with her I ask my readers to just whisper a prayer for them.  Help them find comfort and understanding no matter what happens.  It's all God plan.

Gotta run! :)

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